Career Exploration

Limitless Construction Career Opportunities


There are many career opportunities in the central Ohio construction industry - whether you're college-bound or seeking a job immediately after high school or trade school.

Pathway to Construction Careers

Construction Industry image

Check out current job openings on the BX Job Board.


Detailed information about 30 careers in the construction industry has been compiled for guidance counselors, teachers and students. In addition to the resources below, for more information on training, education and construction careers, visit

With the help of regional periodicals and input from BX members - experts working directly in the industry - information regarding salary, benefits and required education has been compiled to help you find your career.

  • Professional Careers consist mainly of professions requiring a two- or four-year degree in a specialized field of study. Some professional careers may require additional, specialized training.

  • Skilled Trade Careers typically require a high school diploma and either a two year degree or completion of an apprenticeship training program.